
Use of RAD001 as Monotherapy in the Treatment of Neurofibromatosis 1 Related Internal Plexiform Neurofibromas

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Background: Patients with the genetic disorder neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) are at increased risk of developing tumors of the central and peripheral nervous system. These include plexiform neurofibromas. The conventional treatment of these internal plexiform neurofibromas is surgery. This surgery can be possible on a single and limited tumor. On the other hand these tumors are often surgically intractable due to their multiplicity and their infiltrating characteristics Increased activity of mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR) protein is seen in neurofibromas. mTOR inhibitor rapamycin , or its derivatives such as everolimus may slow or stop tumor growth in patients with NF1. Objectives: Primary objectives To determine whether everolimus has an effect on the volume of surgically intractable and life-threatening internal plexiform neurofibromas in patients with neurofibromatosis 1. Secondary objectives To determine whether everolimus has an effect on the number and the volume of cutaneous neurofibromas; to determine whether everolimus modify the signaling pathways in cutaneous neurofibromas. Eligibility: - Adults with neurofibromatosis type 1 with at least one internal plexiform neurofibroma, life-threatening or causing significant morbidity through compression of organs. This or these internal plexiform neurofibroma(s) should be intractable by surgery. Design: An open-label, single arm, non-randomized, single stage phase IIa study. Baseline phase: Baseline evaluations will be performed within 2 weeks, and up to a maximum of 4 weeks for specific exams, before the first dose of study drug. Treatment phase/duration of treatment: All patients will be treated with RAD001 10 mg p.o daily dose for one year except in case of unacceptable toxicity, death, or discontinuation from the study for any other reason. Follow-up phase: All patients will have two follow-up visits scheduled at 18 and 24 months after the first dose of the study drug to follow for adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) that may have occurred after discontinuation from the study and for internal plexiform neurofibromas assessment. Radiological review: All Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs) obtained at baseline, during the treatment period and the follow-up period will be reviewed by the Neuroradiologist of the study.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Inclusion Criteria:

- Clinical diagnosis of NF1, according to NIH criteria, with internal plexiform
neurofibroma (PN) and at least 1 of criteria for NF1:

6 or more café-au-lait spots Freckling in the axilla or groin Optic glioma 2 or more
Lisch nodules Distinctive bony lesion

1-degree relative with NF1

- At least 1 inoperable PN(s) that has/have the potential to cause significant
morbidity: Paravertebral lesions that could compromise the spinal cord Head and neck
lesions that could compromise the airway or great vessels Brachial or lumbar plexus
lesions that could cause nerve compression and loss of function Lesions that could
result in major deformity (e.g., orbital lesions) or significant cosmetic problems
Lesions of the extremity that cause limb hypertrophy or loss of function Painful

- Complete resection of a PN with acceptable morbidity is not feasible OR patient
refuses surgery OR the number of PNs leads to not feasible surgery according to the
steering committee's site

- Measurable PN amenable to volumetric MRI analysis using fusion of images

- Measurable lesion (at least 3 cm in one dimension)

- Karnofsky >70%

- 18≤ Age ≤60

- absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥1.5x109/L, Platelets ≥100x109/L, Hb >9g/dL

- bilirubin: ≤1.5xULN, ALT and AST ≤2.5xULN unless evident Gilbert disease (amendment
n°2). For patients with known liver metastases: AST and ALT ≤ 5xULN

- Creatinine ≤ 1.5xULN

- Life expectancy ≥ 2 years

- Cholesterol ≤300 mg/dL or ≤7.75 mmol/L and triglycerides ≤ 2.5x ULN

- Women of childbearing potential must have had a negative serum pregnancy test within 7
days and a negative urine pregnancy test within 72 hours prior to the administration
of RAD001 start and must use an effective birth control method.

- Men should use condoms and their partner(s) use an effective birth control method

- A written informed consent obtained

Exclusion Criteria:

Patients who/with:

- have previously received mTOR inhibitors

- a known hypersensitivity to RAD001 or other rapamycin or to its excipients

- receiving chronic systemic treatment with corticosteroids or another immunosuppressive
agent. (Dose equivalent to 10 mg/day of methylprednisone), topical steroids or
organotherapy for bilateral adrenalectomy are acceptable

- a known history of HIV seropositivity

- acute viral hepatitis

- autoimmune hepatitis

- with an active, bleeding diathesis. Patients may use coumadin or heparin preparations

- have any severe and/or uncontrolled medical conditions or other conditions that could
affect their participation

- have a history of another primary malignancy ≤3 years, with the exception of
non-melanoma skin cancer and carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix

- Female patients who are pregnant or breast feeding, or adults of reproductive
potential who are not using effective birth control methods. If barrier contraceptives
are being used, these must be continued throughout the trial by both sexes. Oral
contraceptives are not acceptable alone

- a contraindication to MRI

- are using other investigational agents or who had received investigational drugs ≤ 4
weeks prior to study treatment start

- unwilling or unable to comply with the protocol

- not affiliated to health system