
The Role of Xerostomia in Burning Mouth Syndrome: Case - Control Study

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Objectives: to evaluate xerostomia and salivary flow in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS) treated with amitriptyline before and after the use of antixerostomic topical medication. Methods: In this case-control double-blinded study, we enrolled 38 patients with BMS diagnosed according to the (IASP). The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: Study Group: 19 patients whom received topical medication of urea 10% and Control Group: 19 patients whom received placebo to apply at the oral cavity 3-4 times per day, during three months. The patients were evaluated before and after the above treatment. Finally, data were statistically analyzed. It is know that BMS is eventually associated to reduced salivary flow (Cho et al.,2010; Kho et al., 2010; Marino et al., 2010) and to abnormal salivary composition (increasing concentrations of K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca+2, IgA, amylase) (Patton et al., 2007). Even in the absence of hyposalivation, patients may complain of xerostomia and dry mouth (Cho et al.,2010; Kho et al., 2010; Marino et al., 2010; Thomson, 2005). These patients also have several sensory losses even in taste and smell function, recently described (Siqueira et al., 2006a; Siqueira et al., 2006b; Siviero et al., 2011).
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of Sao Paulo General Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:

- All patients had been treated with 25mg-50mg of amitriptyline within the last three
months. They underwent laboratory tests and careful exam to exclude other causes of
burning mouth

Exclusion Criteria:

- other facial pain syndromes, other causes for abnormal salivation, other neuropathies
or primary diseases associated to burning mouth, inability to answer the questions and
/ or tests