
Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HX575 Hexal AG vs ERYPO® for the Treatment of Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, parallel-group, equivalence study involving about 462 clinically stable hemodialysis patients aged 18 years or above suffering from anemia and treated previously with a stable dose of ERYPO® intravenously.
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Hexal AG
Epoetin Alfa
Pharmaceutical Solutions
Inclusion Criteria:

- Receiving dialysis for at least 6 months (3 times weekly) before screening

- Age: >=18

- Clinically stable, i.e. hemoglobin within the established range (10.0 to 13.0 g/dl)
for at least 12 weeks before screening

- Stable intravenous dosage of ERYPO® three times weekly for at least 8 weeks before
screening and during screening with a maximal weekly dosage of 300 IU/kg body weight
(stable is defined as <25% change (up or down) in weekly dose and no change in
frequency over 8 weeks prior screening and 10 weeks prior randomisation)

- Baseline hemoglobin concentration of 10.0 to 13.0 g/dl (mean of two pre-randomization
pre-dialysis samples of Hb at visit -2 and visit 1)

- Serum ferritin >=100 µg/l and/or saturated transferrin levels >=20%

- C-reactive protein <15 mg/l (< 5 mg/l: normal; >= 5 mg/l < 10 mg/l: +; >=10mg/l < 100
mg/l: ++; >=100 mg/l: +++)

- Ability to follow study instructions and likely to complete all required visits

- Written informed consent of the patient

Exclusion Criteria:

- Anemia of non-renal causes

- Primary hematologic disorder (e.g. myelodysplastic syndrome, sickle cell anemia,
hematological malignancy, hemolytic anemia)

- Evidence of severe hepatic dysfunction (ALT and/or AST above 2 x upper limit of normal
range; or gamma-GT above 3 x upper limit of normal range)

- Clinical evidence of current uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism (serum parathyroid
hormone >1500 pg/mL).

- Known history of bone marrow disease

- Any red blood cell transfusion(s) during the last 12 weeks before screening or during
the screening/baseline period

- Insufficient concomitant iron treatment during the last 2 months before Visit -2

- Uncontrolled hypertension, defined as a predialysis diastolic blood pressure
measurement >=110 mmHg during the screening period

- Congestive heart failure [New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III and IV]

- Unstable angina pectoris, active cardiac disease, cardiac infarction during the last
six months before screening

- History of blood coagulation disease

- Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100.000/µl)

- Leukopenia (white blood cell count < 2.000/µl)

- Overt bleeding (acute or chronic bleeding within 2 months of inclusion) or hemolysis

- Evidence of acute infectious disease or serious active inflammatory states within one
months before screening (Visit -2) or during the screening/baseline period

- Suspicion or known PRCA (pure red cell aplasia)

- Previously diagnosed HIV or acute hepatitis infection

- Treatment for epilepsy within the past 6 months

- Planned surgery during the next 7 months (except vascular access surgery)

- Any androgen therapy within 2 months before visit -2 and during the study

- Therapy with immunosuppressants or any drug known to affect the hematocrit within 1
month before Visit -2 and during the study

- Clinical evidence of malignant diseases

- Pregnancy, breastfeeding women or women not using adequate birth control measures

- Known history of severe drug related allergies

- Known allergy to one of the ingredients of the test or reference products or
hypersensitivity to mammalian-derived products

- Simultaneous participation in another clinical study or participation in a study in
the month preceding the start of this study or previously randomized in this study

- Participation in an erythropoietin study in the 3 months preceding screening (visit

- Any other condition which at the investigator´s discretion may put the patient at risk
or which may confound the study results