
Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy Findings in Patients Receiving Cellcept®

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to learn more about symptoms and gastrointestinal lesions associated with taking myfortic® by switching patients to a delayed release formulation that is developed to alleviate GI symptoms. A comparison of the frequency and severity of GI symptoms observed in patients treated with MMF (cellcept®) after conversion to myfortic® will be measured by using a self-assessed questionnaire called Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). To prove the incidence and improvement of GI lesions in patients treated with MMF (cellcept®) after conversion to myfortic® will be measured by using Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy (SBCE).
Phase 4
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of California, Los Angeles
Mycophenolate mofetil
Mycophenolic Acid
Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female patients between 18 and 75 years of age.

- Recipients of first or second cadaveric, living unrelated or living related kidney

- Recipients who are at least 4 weeks post renal transplantation with stable renal

- Patients who have used MMF at least 10 days and are currently receiving MMF. (up to
3g/day dosage allowed)

- Patients with at least one moderate or severe upper or lower GI complaints.

- Patients' immunosuppressive regimen other than steroids as well as medication for
treatment of GI symptoms must be unchanged for at least 1 week prior to study start.

- Females of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test prior to the
inclusion period. Effective contraception must be used during the trial, and for 4
weeks following discontinuation of the study medication.

- Patients who are willing and able to participate in the full course of the study and
from whom written informed consent has been obtained.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Multi-organ transplant patients or previous transplant with any other organ different
from kidney.

- The presence of a severe GI disorder. History of a significant GI disorder prior to
transplant that has remained unchanged since transplant and/or the introduction of MMF
will exclude patient.

- Evidence of any GI disorder induced by an infection, underlying medical condition, or
concomitant medication other than MMF.

- Modification of GI medication or MMF dose within last 1 week.

- Evidence of graft rejection, treatment of acute rejection, or unstable renal function
within 4 weeks prior to the Baseline visit.

- Patients who have received an investigational immunosuppressive drug within 4 weeks
prior to study entry.

- Patients with a history of malignancy within the last five years, except excised
squamous or basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

- Pregnant or nursing women.

- Patients with thrombocytopenia (<75,000/mm3), with an absolute neutrophil count of
<1,500/mm3 and/or leukocytopenia (<3,500/mm3), and/or hemoglobin <9.0 g/dL prior to

- Presence of clinically significant pyrexia and/or infection requiring continued

- Evidence of severe liver disease [incl. abnormal liver profile i.e. AST, ALT or total
bilirubin = 3 times the upper limit of normal].

- Patients who have any anatomical GI tract defects which have risk of capsule getting
stuck such as tumor or previous abdominal surgery.

- Abnormal physical or laboratory findings of clinical significance within 2 weeks of
inclusion which would interfere with the objectives of the study.

- Patients with symptoms of significant illness or evidence of current drug and/or
alcohol abuse.

- Inability to self-administer the GSRS & OTE questionnaire.

- Use of other investigational drugs at the time of enrollment, or within 30 days or 5
half-lives of enrollment, whichever is longer.

- History of hypersensitivity to any of the study drugs or to drugs with similar
chemical structures.