
Sirolimus Effect on Hypertrophic Syndromes Related Gene PIK3CA

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
It was found that people who have an excessive growth in one or more parts of their body and normal growth in other parts, may have a change in genes responsible for controlling cell growth. This genetic discovery identified a possible treatment for this overgrowth, called Sirolimus. This is a pilot study, which help the investigators prepare a larger international study, which will aim to determine whether a treatment based Sirolimus is able to stop the excessive growth of one or more parties of their body in people who carry a genetic change in the PIK3CA gene (phosphatidylinosilol-3-kinase encoded by the gene PIK3CA).
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dijon
Inclusion Criteria:

- Post-zygotic PIK3CA mutation

- Age: 3-65 years

- Measurable overgrowth, in current progression or with clinical history of overgrowth

- Patient clinically stable

- Presence of a disability, social or cosmetic impairment requiring treatment from the
patient perspective,

- Written informed consent form signed and dated by the subject or by the patient's
legal representative

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnancy or lactation

- Women and men of reproductive age without any effective method of contraception
(during treatment and up to 12 weeks after sirolimus discontinuation)

- Hypersensitivity to the active substance (sirolimus) or to any of the excipients

- Impossibility to obtain written informed consent form signed by the subject or the
patient's legal representative, or vulnerable adults

- Treatment with Sirolimus in the last 4 weeks before the trial

- Personal history of malignancy or current investigations for suspected malignancy

- Active skin infection requiring antibiotics or antiviral treatments

- HIV or hepatitis B or C infection

- Past history of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

- Active pneumopathy

- Uncontrolled infection

- Chronic liver disease (ASAT or Alanine amino transférase (ALAT)> 3 times upper normal

- Stage 3 (or more) chronic renal insufficiency (eGFR< 60mls/min)

- Neutropenia with neutrophiles < 1.0 x10^9/L

- Uncontrolled dyslipidemia

- Inability to attend study visits