
SARS-CoV-2-Neutralizing Monoclonal COVID-19 Antibody DZIF-10c by Inhalation

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is the first-in-human phase 1/2a trial of the inhaled administration of the SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing monoclonal antibody DZIF-10c in healthy volunteers and SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals. It will evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetic profile, immunogenicity, and antiviral activity of DZIF-10c.
Phase 1/Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
University of Cologne
Boehringer Ingelheim
ZKS Köln
Inclusion Criteria:

Groups 1A-1C

- Age 18-65.

- SARS-CoV-2-RNA negative naso- or oropharyngeal swab obtained within 3 calendar days
before study drug administration by NAAT (e.g., qRT-PCR).

- Non-reactivity of serum antibodies (IgG; and IgA and/or IgM when tested) against
SARS-CoV-2 by serological assay at screening.

Groups 2A-2D

- Age 18-70.

- SARS-CoV-2-RNA positive naso- or oropharyngeal swab obtained within 3 calendar days
before study drug administration by NAAT (e.g., qRT-PCR).

- Onset of COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., sore throat, cough, fever, chills, fatigue, dys- or
anosmia, dys- or ageusia, headache, muscle pain, gastrointestinal symptoms) within 7
days prior to study drug administration or Non-reactivity of serum or plasma
antibodies (IgG; and IgA and/or IgM when tested) against SARS-CoV-2 by serological
assay at screening.

- Disease severity score 1-4 as defined by the WHO Clinical Progression Scale (WHO,
Lancet Inf Dis 2020)

Exclusion Criteria (all groups):

- Known hypersensitivity to any constituent of the investigational medicinal product.

- Hepatitis B infection indicated by detectable HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen) in

- Detectable antibodies against hepatitis C virus in blood unless active hepatitis C is
ruled out by negative HCV-RNA.

- HIV infection indicated by detectable HIV antigen and/or HIV antibodies in blood.

- Neutrophil count ≤1,000 cells/µl

- Hemoglobin ≤10 g/dl

- Platelet count ≤100,000 cells/µl

- ALT ≥2.0 x ULN

- AST ≥2.0 x ULN

- Total bilirubin ≥1.5 ULN

- eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m2

- Pregnancy or lactation.

- Any vaccination within 14 days prior to DZIF-10c administration.

- Receipt of any SARS-CoV-2 vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody in the past.

- Diagnosis of bronchial asthma or history of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, COPD,
pulmonary fibrosis, or other chronic lung diseases.

- Any chronic or clinically significant medical condition that in the opinion of
investigator would jeopardize the safety or rights of the volunteer.

- History of systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressive anti-cancer, or other
medications considered significant by the trial physician within the last 6 months (a
single administration of systemic corticosteroids within ≤6 months and ≥4 weeks of
enrollment is acceptable).

- Participation in another clinical trial of an investigational medicinal product within
the past 12 weeks or expected participation during this study.

- Dependency on the principal investigator or study staff; or site personnel directly
affiliated with this trial.

- Legally incapacitated individuals

- Individuals held in an institution by legal or official order

- If engaging in sexual activity that could result in pregnancy, inability or
unwillingness to comply with the requirements for highly effective contraception