
Recurrent Stroke Prevention Clinical Outcome Study

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
1. Objectives and Hypothesis 1. Objectives: This study evaluates whether strict BP management is useful for the prevention of recurrent stroke. Hypertensive patients with history of stroke are treated with stepwise multi-drug therapy to achieve stricter BP target <120/80 mmHg in the strict BP control group and less stricter BP target <140/90 mmHg or <130/80 mmHg for patients with current DM/CKD/MI in the standard BP control group. The participants under the BP treatment achieving their respective BP target will be followed for recurrence of stroke. The study continues until the number of patients with the first recurrent stroke reaches a total of 330 between the two groups. The occurrence rates of recurrent stroke will be compared between the two groups. 2. Hypotheses The incidence of recurrent stroke will be lower in a strict BP control group having lower BP target: <120/80 mmHg* than in a standard BP control group having BP target <140/90 mmHg or <130/80 mmHg for current DM/CKD/MI in patients with hypertension. 2. Study design This will be a multicenter, randomized, open-label study. The study consists of a screening period, a titration period and a follow-up period. The screening period is a period between the date of consent and the enrollment date. Hypertensive patients with history of stroke are randomly assigned to either the strict BP control group having the target of <120/80 mmHg or the standard BP control group having the target of <140/90 mmHg without current DM, CKD or MI and <130/80 mmHg with current DM, CKD or MI. The titration period is the period finding a treatment which achieves target BP, and 24 weeks at maximum. Patients will be treated with stepwise multi-drug therapy using an angiotensin-receptor antagonist, diuretic, calcium channel blocker and aldosterone antagonist. The participants will be observed under the BP management for their respective BP target. The study will be continued until the number of patients with the first recurrent stroke reaches a total of 330 between two groups. The follow-up period will be 3 years. The recurrent rates of stroke in both groups will be compared from various aspects, and strict BP management will be investigated on the usefulness in prevention of recurrent stroke.
Phase 4
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Biomedis International Ltd.
Antihypertensive Agents
Candesartan cilexetil
Olmesartan Medoxomil
Inclusion Criteria:

Participants include those with essential hypertension and history of stroke who satisfy
the following criteria:

- Outpatient

- Onset of stroke(cerebral infarction/cerebral hemorrhage) occurred between 30 days and
3 years prior to the date of consent.

- Drug adherence is ≧80% during the screening period.

- Mean of 2 baseline BP measurements(measured at outpatient clinic) within 30 days prior
to the date of consent is either 180 >SBP ≧130 mmHg or 110 >DBP ≧80 mmHg (untreated -3
anti hypertensive agents patients).

- Cerebral infarction with severity 3 or less in the modified Rankin scale.

Exclusion Criteria:

Patient who meets any one of the following criteria is excluded from the study.

- Women who are pregnant, are possible pregnant, or are breastfeeding

- Possible secondary hypertension

- Severe hypertension (grade III or greater) with baseline SBP ≧180 mmHg or DBP ≧110

- Myocardial infarction or undergoing angioplasty occurred within 3 months prior to the

- Current or previous heart failure with NYHA classification class III or more, or EF
less than 35%

- Severe bilateral carotid stenosis or major cerebral artery occlusion

- Severe paralysis due to stroke (modified Rankin scale ≧ 4 )

- Current renal dysfunction (serum Cr ≧ 2.0 mg/dL right before the date of consent)

- Current hepatic dysfunction with AST or ALT value ≧ 100 IU/mL right before the date of

- Refractory hypertension treated with four or more antihypertensive drugs

- Hypersensitivity or allergy to losartan and other angiotensin II receptor blockers,
hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine or sulfonamide derivative

- Major surgery planned during the study period

- Participants of other clinical studies within the last 30 days

- Current malignancy (previous malignancy within 5 years after the end of treatment)
excluding squamous-cell skin cancer

- Previous and current subarachnoid hemorrhage

- Definitive dementia 12) (based on a clinical diagnosis)

- Patients who have difficulty in signing consent or who do not agree to the provided

- Patients who are judged to be unsuitable for participating the study by the primary
investigator or sub-investigator.