
Randomized, Double-blind Study for the Evaluation of the Effect of Losartan Versus Placebo on Aortic Root Dilatation in Patients With Marfan Syndrome Under Treatment With Beta-blockers

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To study the effect of losartan (an angiotensin receptor blocker-ARB) on aortic root growth in patients with Marfan syndrome, already treated with beta-blockers (BB). The effect of losartan will be compared to placebo. Losartan or placebo will be added to the treatment regimen in a two-step up-titration scheme over 2 weeks. Start doses of Losartan will be 25 mg for subjects under 50kg of weight and 50mg if the weight is over 50kg. Uptitration will be guided by the tolerance of the drug by the patients. Patients will be contacted by phone call for assessment of side-effects before second step of uptitration. Daily maximal doses of Losartan will be 50mg for subjects under 50kg of weight and 100mg if the weight is over 50kg
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University Hospital, Ghent
Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie
Adrenergic beta-Antagonists
Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients > 10 years

- Diagnosis of MFS, according to the Ghent criteria and/or genetically proven FBN1
mutations or linkage

- Consent obtained (written) either for the patient and for his/her parents (<18y

- Z-score of the aorta at the level of the sinus of Valsalva ≥2 (BSA adjusted)

- ARB naïve patients

Exclusion Criteria:

- Poor echocardiographic window,limiting the accurate measurement of the aortic root

- Contra-indication for ARB: Bilateral renal artery stenosis, renal function
abnormalities (creatinine above normal for age), hyperkalemia

- Intolerance for ARB (eg angioedema)

- Pregnancy or breast feeding women

- Absence of effective contraception

- Liver function abnormalities

- Heart Failure

- Patients included in other clinical trial