
Paracetamol Oral Paediatric Suspension at 4.8% : Study of Acceptability and Safety.

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Evaluate the acceptability over 24 hours of a new paracetamol formulation 4.8% paediatric oral suspension in children weighing between 3 and 26 kg including limits
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
The following information on clinical trials is provided for information purposes only to
allow patients and physicians to have an initial discussion about the trial. This
information is not intended to be complete information about the trial, to contain all
considerations that may be relevant to potential participation in the trial, or to replace
the advice of a personal physician or health professional.

Main criteria are listed hereafter :

Inclusion Criteria:

- Children of both sexes weighing between 3 and 26 kg including limits.

- With a fever and/or painful episode justifying a paracetamol treatment for a minimum
duration of 24 hours.

- Likely to be followed throughout the entire study period in out-patient.

- For whom the informed consent has been signed by the parents or legal guardian and by
the child if old enough (see chapter 12.3).

Exclusion Criteria:

- Presenting digestive disorders, vomiting.

- Presenting a hypersensitivity to paracetamol or one of the ingredients of the study

- Presenting a hepatocellular failure.

- Presenting a fructose intolerance.

- Presenting a serious concomitant disease, such as cancer, immune deficiency or a
serious renal, hepatic cardiac, neurological, psychiatric or metabolic disease.

- Presenting a history of significant biological anomalies.

- Treated with Kayexalate® (sodium polystyrene sulphonate)

- Not covered by a social security regime.

- Whose parents are incapable of understanding

- Who cannot come back to the consultation for the final evaluation and/or submit to the
study constraints.

- Who participated in another clinical study in the 30 days prior to inclusion.

- Is a relation of the investigator.