
Outcomes and Safety Trial Investigating Ecallantide's Effect on Reducing Surgical Blood Loss Volume in Subjects at High Risk of Bleeding Exposed to Cardio-pulmonary Bypass During Cardiac Surgery

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A Phase 2 Randomized Double-Blind Active-Controlled Study in Subjects Exposed to Cardio-pulmonary Bypass During Cardiac Surgery at High Risk of Bleeding
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Cubist Pharmaceuticals LLC
Tranexamic Acid
Inclusion Criteria:

- Written informed consent (by study subject) prior to any study-related procedure not
part of normal medical care;

- Male or female between the ages of 18 and 85 years old, inclusive; and

- Planned cardiac surgery using cardio-pulmonary bypass, for one of the following
procedures: any repeat sternotomy; surgery to repair or replace more than one valve;
combined CABG plus repair or replacement of at least one valve

- If female, subject is non-lactating, and is either:Not of childbearing potential,
defined as postmenopausal for at least one year or surgically sterile due to bilateral
tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy;Of childbearing potential but
is not pregnant as confirmed by negative pregnancy test at time of screening (based on
the β-subunit of HCG), and is practicing the barrier method of birth control along
with one of the following methods: oral or parenteral contraceptives for three months
prior to study drug administration, a vasectomized partner, or abstinence from sexual

Exclusion Criteria:

- Planned primary CABG, single valve repair or replacement surgery, or any off pump

- Body weight <55 kg;

- Planned hypothermia (<28ºC);

- Planned transfusion in the peri-operative or post-operative periods;

- Planned transfusion of pre-operatively donated autologous blood;

- Female subjects who are pregnant or lactating;

- Planned use of desmopressin, lysine analogs (other than study medication), atrial
natriuretic hormone or recombinant activated Factor VII;

- Planned use of corticosteroids in the pump prime solution;

- Ejection fraction <30% within 90 days prior to surgery;

- Evidence of a myocardial infarction within 5 days prior to surgery;

- History of stroke or transient ischemic attack within 3 months prior to surgery;

- Hypotension or heart failure requiring the use of inotropes or mechanical devices
within 24 hours prior to surgery;

- Serum creatinine >2.0 mg/dL within 48 hours prior to surgery;

- Serum hepatic enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase) above
2.5 times the upper limit of normal for the applicable laboratory;

- Hematocrit <32% within 48 hours prior to surgery;

- Platelet count below the normal range for the applicable laboratory within 14 days
prior to surgery;

- History of, or family history of, bleeding or clotting disorder (e.g. von Willebrand's
Disease, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura) or thrombophilia such as anti-thrombin
III deficiency or Factor V Leiden mutation;

- History of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;

- Prothrombin time (PT) and/or activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) >1.5 X
normal range unless subject received heparin within 24 hours of test;

- Serious intercurrent illness or active infection (e.g. endocarditis, sepsis, active
malignancy requiring treatment);

- Any previous exposure to ecallantide;

- Receipt of an investigational drug or device 30 days prior to participation in the
current study;

- Any other condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, may compromise the
safety or compliance of the subject or would preclude the subject from successful
completion of the study;

- Inability to comply with the protocol for the duration of the study;

- Known allergy to any agent expected to be used in the intra-operative or
post-operative periods; and

- Administration of: Eptifibatide within 6 hours prior to surgery, Tirofiban
hydrochloride within 6 hours prior to surgery, (Enoxaparin sodium or other
low-molecular-weight heparin <24 hours prior to surgery), Prasugrel within 10 days
prior to surgery, Clopidogrel within 3 days prior to surgery, Ticlopidine within 7
days prior to surgery, Abciximab within 5 days prior to surgery, (Bivalirudin,
argatroban or lepirudin within 6 hours prior to surgery), (Fondaparinux within 72
hours prior to surgery), Chlorpromazine within 7 days prior to surgery (Prophylactic
use permitted for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.)

- Planned use of heparin bonded bypass circuits;

- Known allergy or hypersensitivity to tranexamic acid or any of the other ingredients;

- Disturbance of color sense;

- Evidence of hematuria or any acute thromboses or thromboembolic diseases such as deep
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or vertebral vein thrombosis.