
Open-label Trial to Evaluate the Effect Carbamazepine on Darigabat Pharmacokinetics in Healthy Adult Participants

Not yet recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The primary purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of increased metabolizing enzyme (cytochrome P450 [CYP] 3A4) due to carbamazepine, a strong CYP3A4 inducer, on the pharmacokinetics (PK) of darigabat in healthy adult participants.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
Cerevel Therapeutics, LLC
Inclusion Criteria:

- Male and female (both women of childbearing and nonchildbearing potential)
participants, ages 18-55 years, inclusive, at the time of signing the informed consent
form (ICF).

- Sexually active women of childbearing potential must agree to be on a non-hormonal
highly effective method of contraception with low user-dependency (eg, IUD or
bilateral tubal ligation) from signing of informed consent throughout the duration of
the trial until the last dose of darigabat and for an additional 33 days after the
last dose of darigabat.

A male participant who is sexually active with a pregnant or a nonpregnant partner of
childbearing potential must agree to use a condom during treatment and until the last dose
of darigabat plus an additional 93 days. In addition, male participants should not donate
sperm for a minimum of 93 days following last dose of darigabat.

- Healthy as determined by medical evaluation, including medical and psychiatric
history, physical and neurological examinations, electrocardiogram (ECGs), vital sign
measurements, and laboratory test results, as evaluated by the investigator.

- Body mass index of 18.5 to 35.0 kilograms per square meter (kg/m^2), inclusive, and
total body weight ≥50 kilograms (kg) (110 pounds [lbs]) at Screening.

- Capable of giving signed informed consent, which includes compliance with the
requirements and restrictions listed in the ICF.

- Ability, in the opinion of the investigator, to understand the nature of the trial and
comply with protocol requirements, including the prescribed dosage regimens, scheduled
visits, laboratory tests, and other trial procedures.

Exclusion Criteria:

- "Yes" responses for any of the following items on the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating
Scale (C-SSRS) (within the individual's lifetime):

- Suicidal Ideation Item 3 (Active Suicidal Ideation with Any Methods [Not Plan]
without Intent to Act)

- Suicidal Ideation Item 4 (Active Suicidal Ideation with Some Intent to Act,
without Specific Plan)

- Suicidal Ideation Item 5 (Active Suicidal Ideation with Specific Plan and Intent)

- Any of the Suicidal Behavior items (Actual Attempt, Interrupted Attempt, Aborted
Attempt, Preparatory Acts or Behavior) "Yes" responses for any of the following
items on the C-SSRS (within past 12 months):

- Suicidal Ideation Item 1 (Wish to be Dead)

- Suicidal Ideation Item 2 (Non-Specific Active Suicidal Thoughts) Serious risk of
suicide in the opinion of the investigator is also exclusionary.

- Any condition or surgery that could possibly affect drug absorption, including, but
not limited to, bowel resections, bariatric weight loss surgery/procedures,
gastrectomy, and cholecystectomy.

- Known allergy or hypersensitivity to the investigational medicinal product (IMP),
including carbamazepine, closely related compounds, or any of their specified

- Participants positive for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B 1502 or HLA-A 3101.

- Use of prohibited medication prior to randomization (5 half-lives) or likely to
require prohibited concomitant therapy during the trial. CYP3A4 inhibitors and
inducers are prohibited from 30 days prior to signing of the ICF through the end of
the trial. Vaccinations or boosters within 7 days of planned dosing or while on trial
are prohibited.

- Recent monoamine oxidase (MAO)-I use (in the last 28 days), as it increases the risk
for hypersensitivity and bone marrow suppression from carbamazepine.

- Prior carbamazepine use that was discontinued for tolerability or adverse events,
including a clinically significant decrease in platelets, white blood cells, or

- Any of the following clinical laboratory test results at the Screening Visit or
Check-in (Day -1), which can be confirmed by a single repeat measurement:

- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) > upper limit
of normal (ULN)

- Total bilirubin >1.5 × ULN. If Gilbert's syndrome is suspected, total bilirubin >
ULN is acceptable if the conjugated or direct bilirubin fraction is <20% of total
bilirubin, and eligibility is confirmed following discussion with the medical

- Any of the following clinical laboratory test results at the Screening Visit or
Check-in (Day -1), which can be confirmed by a single repeat measurement:

- Platelets, white blood cell count, absolute neutrophil count, or hemoglobin <
lower limit of normal (LLN)

- Serum sodium < LLN

Note: Other protocol-defined exclusion criteria may apply.