
Open Label Phase 1 Dose Finding Study of TRC105 in Patients With Solid Cancer

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study is being performed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of the TRC105 monoclonal antibody.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Tracon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Antibodies, Monoclonal
Inclusion Criteria:

- The patient has given informed consent.

- The patient is willing and able to abide by the protocol.

- The patient has cancer and curative therapy is unavailable.

- The patient is at least 18 years old.

- The patient has adequate ability to perform activities of daily living.

- Significant toxicities from prior therapy must have recovered.

- The patient has adequate organ function as assessed by laboratory test.

Exclusion Criteria:

- The patient weighs more than 264 lbs.

- The patient has a known allergy to gentamicin

- The patient has had prior treatment with high-dose chemotherapy requiring stem cell

- The patient is currently on treatment on another therapeutic clinical trial or has
received an investigational agent within 4 weeks prior to first dose with study drug

- The patient has had prior surgery (including open biopsy), radiation therapy or
systemic therapy within 4 weeks of starting the study treatment

- The patient has hypertension > 160/90

- The patient has a history of CNS cancer

- The patient has an unstable medical condition including, but not limited to, cardiac
disease, history of stroke, active hepatitis, or significant pericardial, pleural or
peritoneal effusion

- The patient received recent thrombolytic or anticoagulant therapy

- The patient has lung cancer with central chest lesions

- The patient has had hemorrhage or unhealed wounds within 30 days of dosing

- The patient has used systemic corticosteroids within 3 months of dosing

- The patient has known HIV/AIDS

- The patient has a history of hypersensitivity reaction to human or mouse antibody

- The patient is pregnant or breastfeeding.

- The patient has a history of peptic ulcer disease or gastritis within 6 months of
dosing, unless complete resolution has been documented by esophagogastroduodenoscopy
(EGD) within 30 days of dosing