
Minimally Invasive Surgery and rtPA for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this trial is to determine the safety of using a combination of minimally invasive surgery and clot lysis with rt-PA to remove intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The ICES arm of the trial will determine the safety of endoscopic surgery to remove ICH. All MISTIE intention to treat subjects represent the hypothesized test group. The ICES cohort is to be analyzed separately.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Daniel Hanley
Emissary International LLC
Genentech, Inc.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18-80

- GCS < 14 or a NIHSS > or equal to 6

- Spontaneous supratentorial ICH > or equal to 20cc

- Symptoms less than 12 hours prior to diagnostic CT scan (an unknown time of symptom
onset is exclusionary)

- Intention to initiate surgery within 48 hours after diagnostic CT

- First dose can be given within 54 hours after diagnostic CT (delays for post surgical
stabilization of catheter bleeding or because of unanticipated surgical delay are
acceptable with approved waiver from the coordinating center) (Does not apply to ICES

- Six-hour clot size equal to the most previous clot size + 5 cc (as determined by an
additional CT scan at least 6 hours after the initial stability scan (A*B*C)/2 method)

- SBP < 200 mmHg sustained for 6 hours recorded closest to time of randomization

- Historical Rankin score of 0 or 1

- Negative pregnancy test

Exclusion Criteria:

- Infratentorial hemorrhage (any involvement of the midbrain or lower brainstem as
demonstrated by radiograph or complete third nerve palsy)

- Patients with platelet count < 100,000, INR > 1.4, or an elevated PT or APTT (reversal
of coumadin is permitted but the patient must not require coumadin during the acute
hospitalization). Irreversible coagulopathy either due to medical condition or prior
to randomization

- Clotting disorders

- Any concurrent serious illness that would interfere with the safety assessments
including hepatic, renal, gastroenterologic, respiratory, cardiovascular,
endocrinologic, immunologic, and hematologic disease

- Patients with a mechanical valve

- Patients with unstable mass or evolving intracranial compartment syndrome

- Ruptured aneurysm, AVM, vascular anomaly

- Greater than 80 years (higher incidence of amyloid)

- Under 18 years of ag e (high incidence of occult vascular malformation)

- Pregnant (positive pregnancy test) or lactating females (likelihood of altered
coagulation function associated with the high estrogen/progesterone state)

- Irreversibly impaired brainstem function (bilateral fixed, dilated pupils and extensor
motor posturing), GCS less than or equal to 4

- Historical Rankin score greater than or equal to 2

- Intraventricular hemorrhage requiring external ventricular drainage

- Internal bleeding, involving retroperitoneal sites, or the gastrointestinal,
genitourinary, or respiratory tracts (Does not apply to ICES Tier)

- Superficial or surface bleeding, observed mainly at vascular puncture and access sites
(e.g., venous cutdowns, arterial punctures) or site of recent surgical intervention
(Does not apply to ICES Tier)

- Known risk for embolization, including history of left heart thrombus, mitral stenosis
with atrial fibrillation, acute pericarditis, and subacute bacterial endocarditis
(Does not apply to ICES Tier)

- In the investigator's opinion, the patient is unstable and would benefit from a
specific intervention rather than supportive care plus or minus MIS+rtPA

- Prior enrollment in the study

- Any other condition that the investigator believes would pose a significant hazard to
the subject if the investigational therapy were initiated

- Participation in another simultaneous trial of ICH treatment.