
Mephedrone and Alcohol Interactions in Humans

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purposes of this study are 1) to evaluate the pharmacological effects after oral coadministration of mephedrone and alcohol and 2) determine the pharmacokinetics changes of mephedrone and alcohol concentrations after oral coadministration of mephedrone and alcohol.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
Parc de Salut Mar
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Inclusion Criteria:

- Understanding and accepting the study procedures and signing the informed consent.

- Male adults volunteers (18-45 years old).

- Clinical history and physical examination demonstrating no organic or psychiatric

- The ECG and general blood and urine laboratory tests performed before the study should
be within normal ranges. Minor or occasional changes from normal ranges are accepted
if, in the investigator's opinion, considering the current state of the art, they are
not clinically significant, are not life-threatening for the subjects and do not
interfere with the product assessment. These changes and their non-relevance will be
justified in writing specifically.

- Recreational use of amphetamines, ecstasy and hallucinogen derivate, mephedrone or
other cathinone on at least 6 occasions (two in the previous year) without any adverse

- Recreational use of alcohol (ethanol). Previous experience in acute alcohol

- Extensive metabolizer or intermediate metabolizer phenotype for cytochrome P-450-2D6
(CYP2D6) activity determined using dextromethorphan as a selective probe drug.

- The weight does not exceed 15% of ideal weight that applies according to size and will
be between 60 and 100 Kg. Minor variations will be accepted as normal limits, if the
researchers considered it clinically insignificant.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Not meeting the inclusion criteria.

- Daily consumption >20 cigarettes and >4 standard units of ethanol.

- Regular use of any drug in the month prior to the study sessions. The treatment with
single or limited doses of symptomatic medicinal products in the week prior to the
study sessions will not be a reason for exclusion if it is calculated that it has been
cleared completely the day of the experimental session.

- Presence of major psychiatric disorders.

- Present history of abuse or drug dependence (except for nicotine dependence).

- Past history of drug dependence (except for nicotine dependence). Past history of drug
abuse could be included.

- Having suffered any organic disease or major surgery in the three months prior to the
study start.

- Blood donation 12 weeks before or participation in other clinical trials with drugs in
the previous 4 weeks.

- Subjects with intolerance or serious adverse reactions to drugs or amphetamines,
ecstasy and hallucinogen derivate, mephedrone or other cathinone.

- History or clinical evidence of gastrointestinal, liver, renal or other disorders
which may lead to suspecting a disorder in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism
or excretion, or that suggest gastrointestinal irritation due to drugs.

- Subjects unable to understand the nature, consequences of the study and the procedures
requested to be followed.

- Subjects with positive serology to Hepatitis B, C or HIV.