
Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Oshadi D and Oshadi R for Cancer Treatment

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The study will be non randomized, open label, dose rising study in cancer patients. Cancer treatment is consisting of 2 different drugs: Oshadi D and Oshadi R that will be administered orally. The study will include two sessions: - A single dose period to evaluate acute toxicity of each drug - Consecutive multiple increment dose escalation period of both drugs to determine the long-term safety, and the anticancer activity.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Oshadi Drug Administration
Inclusion Criteria:

- Histologically/ cytological proven solid tumor that is metastatic.

- Age > 21 years old.

- ECOG Performance status < 2.

- Documented progressive metastatic disease according to RECIST criteria.

- At least one lesion not within prior radiation field that is measurable per RECIST.

- Primary tumor must have been resected.

- Four weeks must elapse from prior therapy.

- Patient has recovered to CTCAE < Grade 1 from toxicities related to previous treatment
(except non-clinically significant AEs).

- Patient must have adequate organ function.

- Sexually active fertile patients and their partners must agree to use medically
accepted methods of contraception during therapy and 3 months after the last dose of
the study drugs.

- Female patients of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test at

- Patient must understand and be willing to give written informed consent prior to any
study procedures or evaluations and be willing to adhere to all study schedules and

- Life expectancy > 6 months.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Uncontrolled Intercurrent illness or any history of significant cardiac, renal,
neurologic, metabolic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, hematologic abnormality, chronic
hepatic disease or any other disease which in the judgment of the investigator would
interfere with the study or confound the results.

- Current or history of hematologic malignancies.

- Patient with positive HIV serology at screening.

- Female patient who are breastfeeding or have a positive pregnancy test at screening or
at any time during the study.

- Radiation therapy < 4 weeks prior to screening.

- Patient has received any other type of investigational agent < 4 weeks prior to

- Metastatic brain or meningeal disease.

- Patient has prothrombin time/International Normalization Ration (PT/INR) or partial
thromboplastin time (PTT) test results > 1.3 UNL.

- Significant swallowing disorders.

- Small bowel surgery.

- Pelvic or abdominal radiation.

- Pre-existing mal absorption syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome or other clinical
situation which could affect oral absorption.

- Evidence of concurrent (< 5 years) second malignancy other than basal cell carcinoma
of the skin or cervical carcinoma in situ.

- Mental disorders.

- Inability to give written informed consent.