
Envafolimab Plus Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced NPC, a Prospective, Single Armed Phase II Trial.

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Patients diagnosed with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma will be recruited in this study. All the patients will get 3 cycles of GP+ Envafolimab for the induction chemotherapy. After that, the patients will receive concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Radiotherapy will be given by IMRT, under the dose of GTVnx 68-70Gy/30-33f, 5d/w,6-7w, during which, every patient would receive 2 cycles of DDP+Envafolimab as concurrent chemotherapy. Then patients would receive Envafolimab every 3 weeks for maintenance treatment for a year, until disease progression or intolerance of treatment. . We aim to evaluate the three years progression free survival of these patients by the combination of Envafolimab with curative chemoradiotherapy.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Sun Yat-sen University
Inclusion Criteria:

- ECOG 0-1

- histologically confirmed non-keratinizing carcinoma (WHO type II or III) of nasal

- stage III-IVa (AJCC/UICC 8th ), untreated NPC patients

- NE≥ 1.5×10E9/L, HGB ≥ 100g/L and PLT ≥100×10E9/L

- ALT≤ 1.5 upper limit of normal (ULN), AST≤ 1.5ULN and bilirubin ≤ 1.5ULN

- creatinine<1.5×ULN

Exclusion Criteria:

- recurrent or metastatic NPC patients

- histologically confirmed keratinizing carcinoma (WHO type I) of nasal pharynx

- already received radiation or chemotherapy

- pregnant or lactating women, or women of childbearing age without birth control

- HIV (+)

- had other cancers before

- used immune checkpoint inhibitor(CTLA-4、PD-1、PD-L1 etc.) before

- complications requiring long-term treatment with immunosuppressive drugs or systemic
or local use of corticosteroids with immunosuppressive dose

- with immune deficiency diseases, or a history of organ transplantation (including but
not limited to: interstitial pneumonia, uveitis, enteritis, hepatitis, hypophysitis,
nephritis, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; Patients with vitiligo or asthma in
childhood who have completely relieved and do not need any intervention after
adulthood can be included; Asthma requiring medical intervention with bronchodilators
cannot be included)

- use of massive dose of glucocorticoids within 4 weeks before enrollment

- laboratory test values do not meet relevant standards within 7 days before enrollment

- significantly lower functions of heart, liver, lung, kidney and bone marrow

- serious or uncontrolled medical diseases or infections

- participating other clinical trial in the same time

- HBsAg (+) and HBV DNA >1×10E3 copiers /mL

- HCV (+) unless HCV RNA PCR(-)

- with any other treatment contraindications