
Electrochemotherapy as a Palliative Treatment for Brain Metastases

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Because electrochemotherapy is a quick and effective treatment for cutaneous metastases, a novel electrode device has been developed for treatment in soft tissue such as the brain. Up to 18 patients will be treated in this phase I dose-escalating study of electrochemotherapy for brain metastases. Primary endpoint of the clinical trial is safety and secondary endpoint is efficacy. One brain metastasis is treated once-only with the electrode device guided stereotactically through a burr hole using CT monitoring. The patient will be fully anesthetized during the treatment procedure. Patients are followed up for 6 months with regard to neurological function, Barthel Index, steroid use and adverse effects registration (CTCAE). Tumor response will be evaluated by Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI).
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Copenhagen University Hospital at Herlev
Glostrup University Hospital, Copenhagen
Rigshospitalet, Denmark
Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients > 18 years.

- Performance status < 2 (ECOG - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group).

- Diagnosis of brain metastases originated from histological or cytological verified
cancer of any histology.

- Patients should have received whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) with a time
interval of at least 2 months from completion of WBRT until inclusion in this study.

- Patients must have been offered every available standard treatment.

- Brain metastases to be treated must have a diameter of at least 10 millimetres and no
more than 27 millimetres.

- Brain metastases to be treated must be accessible for treatment.

- Estimated life expectancy must be more than 3 months.

- Patients must have adequate organ functions:

Adequate bone marrow reserve: Leucocytes (WBC) > 3.0 x 109/l, thrombocytes > 75 x 109/l,
hemoglobin > 7 g/dl.

Hepatic: Alkaline phosphate, ALAT or ASAT and bilirubin must not be increased more than 2
times, pp > 40, APTT in normal range. Medical correction is allowed, e.g. correction of low
pp using vitamin K.

Renal: if creatinin > 150 micromolar do a GFR examination (Chrome-EDTA).

- Patients must not have a blood pressure (BP) over 180 mm Hg systolic and 110 mm Hg

- Sexually active men and women of childbearing potential must use adequate birth
control during this study and 6 month after the administration of bleomycin
(contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, injection of prolonged gestagen, subdermal
implantation, hormonal vaginal devices, transdermal patches).

- Participating patients must be able to understand the patient information.

- Participating patients must have signed a written informed consent and power of
attorney prior to inclusion in this study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Acute lung infection.

- Previous bleomycin treatment with more than 200.000 IU/m2.

- Previous allergic reaction to bleomycin.

- Allergy towards the sedation used.

- Pregnancy or breastfeeding. Pregnancy in fertile women is excluded by a measurement of
HCG in a blood sample. Sterile or infertile women are excluded from the requirement to
use anticonception. To be considered sterile or infertile, the patient must have
undergone surgical sterilization (vasectomy/bilateral tubectomy, hysterectomy and
bilateral ovariectomy) or be post-menopausal defined as the absence of menstruation.

- Treatment with G-CSF (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor) or other cytokines.

- Lung diffusion capacity (DLCO) below normal. DLCO is to be performed in case of
suspected (anamnestic or clinical) reduced lung function.

- Physician's assessment that meningeal carcinomatosis (leptomeningeal disease) is a
likely cause of the patient's symptoms.

- Treatment with anticoagulants (marevan, marcumar, innohep).

- Allergic to nickel, chrome or cobalt.

- Participation in another clinical study with an experimental drug up to 4 weeks prior
to inclusion.

- Illnesses, medical, social or physiological, that may affect the patient's ability to
understand the patient information and participate in the follow-up.

- Other serious systemic illnesses (i.e. active infection, abnormal EKG) that the
investigator finds may affect the patient's safety and/or ability to complete the

- Treatment with Immunosuppressant drugs such as methotrexate and cyclosporine during
the study. Treatment with prednisolone is accepted during the study.

- Implanted pacemaker, defibrillators or hearth valve prosthetics.

- Implanted devices such as neurostimulators, eartransplants, insulinpump, metallic

- Catheters with metal such as Port รก cath, Swan Ganz, P-dialysis cath.,
ventriculoatrial and -peritoneal shunts, bladder cath. with thermo-measurement.

- Metallic clips/prosthetics/magnets from surgery such as neuro- or abdominal clips,
tooth- or other prosthetics.

- Disorganised metallic material such as metal fragments in the eyes, shrapnel, gun shot