
Dual Tracer (68Ga-DOTATATE and 18F-FDG) PET Imaging in G2 & G3 Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The variable clinical outcome of patients with G2 & G3 well diff GEP-NETs makes the selection of an optimal treatment strategy challenging. Initial data suggests that high DOTATATE uptake and low FDG uptake are suggestive of low grade disease, with an indolent course. Conversely, low DT uptake and high FDG uptake are suggestive of high-grade/ aggressive disease. G2/3 GEP NETs may be biologically diverse; clinically relevant cohort for dual-tracer PET imaging. Our secondary objectives are 1. To determine the distribution of PETNET scores derived from 18F-FDG & 68Ga-DT PET in patients with G2 & G3 well diff GEP-NETs. 2. To determine the proportion of patients in whom the addition of 18F-FDG PET data results in a change in planned clinical management. To assess intra-individual variability in SSTR expression & glucose metabolism (as seen on DT and FDG PET) across different tumor sites within the same patient. 2) To determine whether a correlation exists between tumor texture features on 68Ga-DT & FDG PET to tumor grade and Ki 67 index. 3) To assess for an association between tumor texture features on 68Ga-DT PET and glucose metabolism; and/or an association between tumor texture features on FDG PET and SSTR expression.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University Health Network, Toronto
Fluorodeoxyglucose F18
Inclusion Criteria:

1. Has provided written informed consent prior to any study-related procedures,

2. Is a male or a female of 18 years of age or older.

3. Patients who already had/scheduled for a 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT scan.

4. Has a gastro entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm confirmed by histological
criteria. Patients with unknown primaries clinically thought to be from
gastroenteropancreatic source shall be eligible.

5. Has a well differentiated tumour Grade 2-3 (WHO 2017).

6. Has a tumour with a proliferation index (Ki67 ≥3%) or in samples where the Ki67
antigen cannot be reliably quantified, a mitotic index ≥2 mitosis/10HPF (high power

7. Treatment naïve patients and/or patient who have received any number of prior systemic
therapy lines for metastatic disease and/or locally advanced inoperable tumor.

8. Willing and able to comply with all study requirements, including timing and/or nature
of required assessments.

9. Women of child-bearing age will undergo a urine test to exclude pregnancy prior to

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Patients with known lung neuroendocrine tumours or other proven non
gastroenteropancreatic histologies are not eligible.

2. Patients with any known hypersensitivity to FDG.

3. Has a well differentiated neuroendocrine tumour Grade 1 (WHO 2017).

4. Has a poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (WHO 2017).

5. Mixed neuroendocrine and non-neuroendocrine cancer

6. Has any mental condition rendering the patient unable to understand the nature, scope
and possible consequences of the study, and/or evidence of an uncooperative attitude.

7. Any patient who is pregnant.