
Disentangling Pharmacological and Expectation Effects in Antidepressant Discontinuation

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Antidepressant medication is established as an evidence-based, guideline-recommended treatment for Major Depressive Disorders. In the past decades, prescriptions of antidepressant medication have markedly increased, with a specific surge in maintenance prescriptions and therefore, long-term intake, despite guideline recommendations to discontinue antidepressant medication after maintenance therapy has been completed. Over half of fully remitted patients who attempt to discontinue their antidepressant medication report adverse discontinuation symptoms. For many patients, discontinuation symptoms are so severe, that they do not manage to complete their discontinuation attempt. While discontinuation symptoms, deterioration of depressive symptoms, and recurrence can result from pharmacological effects of antidepressant discontinuation, patients' expectations towards discontinuation are likely to play an essential role in occurrence, too. The aim of the present study is to explore the interplay of expectations and pharmacological effects in antidepressant discontinuation. Participants who fulfill German national S3 guideline recommendations will receive a 1:1 chance to either discontinue their antidepressant medication or remain on their antidepressant medication. In addition, participants' expectations are intended to be manipulated by varying verbal instructions using the open-hidden paradigm. Within the open trial arms, participants will receive full information about their treatment (i.e., high expectation). Within the hidden trial arms, participants will be informed about a 50% chance of discontinuing versus remaining on their antidepressant medication (i.e., moderate expectation). Participants will have a 1:1:1:1 chance of being allocated to 1 of the 4 experimental groups: open discontinuation (OD), hidden discontinuation (HD), open continuation (OC), or hidden continuation (HC) of their antidepressant medication. This preregistration is part of the collaborative research center (CRC) SFB/TRR289 which aims to characterize the psychological and neurobiological effects of treatment expectations on health outcome (https://treatment-expectation.de) and is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Helmut Schmidt University
University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg
University Hospital, Essen
Antidepressive Agents
Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult patients (18 to 75 years) with fully remitted Major Depressive Disorder, single
or recurrent, as main diagnosis confirmed by prescribing physician and SCID-5
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

- Intake of SSRI/SNRI (citalopram: 20-40mg, escitalopram: 10-20mg, sertraline: 75-150mg,
venlafaxine: 75-150mg, duloxetine: 60-100mg, paroxetine: 20-40mg) or NaSSA
(mirtazapine: 30-45mg)

- Discontinuation wish by patient supported by prescribing physician

- Fulfils criteria of the German S3 national guideline recommendations for treatment of
Major Depressive Disorders to discontinue antidepressant medication: a) response to
antidepressant medication, b) symptom remission for at least four months (for a single
episode) or two years (for two or more episodes with significant functional
impairment) and c) concurrent intake of antidepressant medication (at least 4 weeks on
a steady dose)

Exclusion Criteria:

- Acute or chronic somatic illness and/or intake of medication which might interfere
with depressive disorder, antidepressant medication or proposed study

- Acute suicidality, psychotic symptoms, substance abuse or addiction, current mania, or
hypomania confirmed by SCID-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) or other
psychopathology which might interfere with depressive disorder, antidepressant
medication or proposed study

- Any history of bipolar disorder or psychosis confirmed by SCID-5 (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013)

- Severe stressful life events (e.g., death of a family member) within six months prior
to study participation

- Insufficient German language proficiency

- No informed consent

- Upon optional participation: MRI-specific exclusion criteria (phobic anxiety,
claustrophobia, ferromagnetic implants, etc.)