
Customized Antibiotic Treatment Duration Among Hospitalized Patients With Moderately Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia

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The primary objective of the study is to evaluate if the efficacy of an experimental strategy on antibiotic treatment duration based on stopping treatment when stability criteria are reached after at least 48 h of treatment, is non-inferior to the efficacy of standard antibiotic duration in CAP patients treated in the hospital setting. As the secondary objectives, the study aims - To study if the efficacy of our experimental strategy on antibiotic treatment duration compared to standard of care in CAP patients treated in the hospital setting is non-inferior in terms of: - Persistence of cure at Day 30 of antibiotic treatment - All-cause mortality rate on Day 30 of antibiotic treatment - Patients evolution of pneumonia symptoms and quality of life via 2 scores (CAP score, CAP Sym) at Day 0 of treatment (retrospectively), at stability (Day S), at Day 7 , at Day 15, and at Day 30 of antibiotic treatment. - To compare between the 2 study arms at Day 30 of antibiotic treatment: - The duration of antibiotic treatment; - The length of hospital stay; - The frequency and severity of adverse events during the 30 days after the start of treatment. - To explore the impact of reduced antibiotic treatment duration for CAP on the oropharyngeal resistome.
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Anti-Infective Agents
Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult patient (≥18 years old)

- Admitted to hospital for suspected CAP defined by the presence of at least 2 of the
following diagnostic clinical criteria:

- Fever (temperature > 38°C) or hypothermia (< 36°C)

- Dyspnea

- Cough

- Production of purulent sputum

- Crackles

- Radiological evidence of a new infiltrate (chest X-ray or CT scan)

- Negative viral respiratory testing

- Treated for a minimum of 48 hours with antibiotics (excluding azithromycin due to its
prolonged half-life)Presenting with an early clinical response within the last 24
hours (up to 7 days after the start of antibiotic treatment, if planned treatment
duration > 7 days), defined by the presence of all the following criteria:apyrexia
(T°C ≤ 37.8)heart rate < 100/minrespiratory rate < 24/min, according to the patient's
usual mode of oxygenation,arterial oxygen saturation ≥ 92%, according to the patient's
usual mode of oxygenation,Patient currently under antibiotic treatment for his
suspected CAP (i.e. the last dose of ATB has been administered to the patient less
than 24 hours ago)

- Patient presenting a clinical response within the last 24 hours defined by the
presence of all the following criteria:

- apyrexia (T°C ≤ 37.8)

- heart rate < 100/min

- respiratory rate < 24/min, according to the patient's usual mode of oxygenation,

- arterial oxygen saturation ≥ 92%, according to the patient's usual mode of

- systolic blood pressure ≥ 90mmHg, The last occurring of these criteria must have
appeared within the last 24 hours.

- The antibiotic treatment for suspected CAP has started at least 48 hours ago and at
most 6 days ago

- No other site of infection besides respiratory

- Affiliated to Health insurance

- Has given informed consent

- Patient understanding oral and written French, or presence of a relative who can
explain and help him complete the study documents

Exclusion Criteria:

- Signs of severe CAP (abscess, massive pleural effusion, serious chronic respiratory

- Known immunosuppression (asplenia, neutropenia, agammaglobulinemia, transplant,
myeloma, lymphoma, known HIV and CD4<200/mm3)

- Suspected or confirmed legionellosis

- Any other infection necessitating concomitant antibiotic treatment

- Confirmed or suspected aspiration pneumonia or healthcare-associated pneumonia

- Treatment of suspected CAP with azithromycin (due to its prolonged half-life)

- Concomitant steroid treatment (only for patients treated with fluoroquinolones

- Pre-existing aortic aneurysm or dissection, family history of aortic aneurysm or
dissection, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Takayasu arthritis, uncontrolled
arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis (only for patients treated with
fluoroquinolones antibiotics)

- Pregnant or breastfeeding woman

- Life expectancy < 1 month

- Patient under legal guardianship (French "tutelle" or "curatelle")

- Patient without fixed address

- Patient enrolled in another interventional clinical trial on CAP treatment