
Comparison of Methotrexate vs Placebo in Corticosteroid-dependent Ulcerative Colitis

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
- PHASE: II - TYPE OF STUDY : With direct benefit - DESCRIPTIVE: Multicenter, randomized, double-blind study - INCLUSION CRITERIA: Steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis - OBJECTIVES: To show superiority of methotrexate vs placebo in inducing steroid-free remission in steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis - STUDY TREATMENTS: Methotrexate 1 intramuscular injection (25 mg) per week Placebo 1 intramuscular injection per week - NUMBERS OF PATIENTS: 55 patients in each group, i.e. a total of 110 patients - INCLUSION PERIOD: 24 months - STUDY DURATION: 36 months - EVALUATION CRITERIA: Remission without steroids, immunosuppressives and without colectomy at 16 weeks of treatment.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besancon
Inclusion Criteria:

- UC diagnosed according to the Lennard-Jones criteria (Appendix 1) with endoscopic
colorectal lesions, whatever their extension may be

- A Mayo Disease Activity Index £ 4, with no item >1 for the clinical part of the score
and from 0 to 2 for the endoscopic part at the time of inclusion

- Steroid-dependence defined by at least 1 unsuccessful attempt to stop systemic steroid
therapy during the last 12 weeks. Steroid therapy might have been completely stopped
if it has been restarted within the last 30 days

- To be receiving a treatment of prednisone at a dose between 10 and 40mg, stable for at
least 2 weeks at the time of inclusion

- Under an adequate contraception for male or female subjects of childbearing potential

Exclusion Criteria:

- Indication to a colectomy.

- Alcoholism (more than 21 glasses per week for male subjects and 14 glasses per week
for female subjects). 1 glass corresponds to 3 cl of strong alcohol, 10 cl glass of
wine or a half pint of beer.

- Pregnant or breast-feeding female subjects.

- No efficacious contraception.

- NSAIDS or cotrimoxazole intake upon inclusion, or probenecid intake within 1 month
prior to inclusion.

- Anti-TNFa treatment within 2 months prior to inclusion.

- Azathioprine, mercaptopurine, cyclosporin or thalidomide within 1 month prior to

- Modification of mesalazine or olsalazine dosage within 1 month prior to inclusion.

- Chronic (broncho) pneumopathy.

- Renal failure (creatinaemia > upper limit of normal laboratory values limit).

- Liver disease apart from primary sclerosing cholangitis.

- Unexplained rise higher than twice the normal level for transaminases, alkaline
phosphatases and/or bilirubin.

- Folate level < normal level.

- Past history of malignant condition (including leukaemia, lymphoma and myelodysplasia)
except for baso-cellular cutaneous cancers.