
Anxiolytic and Analgesic Effects of Melatonin

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The study's main objective is to investigate melatonin's anxiolytic and sleep-regulating effects in patients undergoing surgery. Moreover, the investigators intend to investigate the pharmacokinetic parameters of melatonin in this patient population.
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Herlev Hospital
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Inclusion Criteria part one:

- Patients who are candidates for breast surgery.

- BMI between 18 and 30

- Visible veins in the elbow region

- Fertile women use anti-contraception and have performed a negative pregnancy test

Exclusion Criteria part one:

- Patients, who use daily opioids, benzodiazepines or melatonin

- Patients diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder (defined as in medical treatment)

- Patients with severe physical disease (ASA 3-4)

- Patients with previous or ongoing alcohol or drug abuse

- Patients with liver disease (defined as in medical treatment)

- Patients diagnosed sleep disturbances

- Patients who are unable to cooperate according to the protocol

- Patients with allergy to melatonin

Inclusion Criteria part two:

- Male patients who are candidates for inguinal or umbilical hernia reapir

Exclusion Criteria part two:

- Patients, who use daily opioids, benzodiazepines or melatonin

- Patients diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder (defined as in medical treatment)

- Patients with severe physical disease (ASA 3-4)

- Patients with previous or ongoing alcohol or drug abuse

- Patients with liver disease (defined as in medical treatment)

- Patients diagnosed sleep disturbances

- Patients who are unable to cooperate according to the protocol

- Patients with allergy to melatonin

Withdrawal- and drop-out criteria part 2:

- Patients can withdraw at any time during trial

- Complications during surgery occur that lead to:

1. Immediate reoperation

2. Hospitalization to intensive care unit

- If it is considered in the best interest of the patients physical- and psychological
health to withdraw from the trial