
Antineoplaston Therapy in Treating Patients With Neurofibroma and Schwannoma

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
RATIONALE: Current therapies for adults with a recurrent/residual Neurofibroma or Schwannoma provide limited benefit to the patient. The anti-cancer properties of Antineoplaston therapy suggest that it may prove beneficial in the treatment of adults with a recurrent/residual Neurofibroma or Schwannoma. PURPOSE: This study is being performed to determine the effects (good and bad) that Antineoplaston therapy has on adults with a recurrent/residual Neurofibroma or Schwannoma.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Burzynski Research Institute
Inclusion Criteria:

- Histologically confirmed incurable Neurofibroma or Schwannoma. Histological
confirmation is waived for tumor location where biopsy cannot be safely performed.

- There will be no exclusion based on multifocality, or leptomeningeal or systemic

- The tumor must be at least 5 mm in size.

- Radiologic evidence of residual or recurrent tumor by gadolinium-enhanced MRI
performed no more than 14 days before the beginning of therapy.

- Patients who have previously received radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy
or cytodifferentiating agents are eligible.

- Patients who did not receive standard therapy are eligible.

- Patients may be male or female. If female, the patient must not be pregnant or
breast-feeding an infant, and either incapable of becoming pregnant or currently using
contraceptive methods. Acceptable methods include the birth control pill, use of a
diaphragm, intrauterine device, or condom by the patient's sexual partner. If male,
the patient should use appropriate contraception, such as condoms, during the study
and at least 4 weeks following completion of the study.

- Patient must sign the Informed Consent Document indicting an awareness of the
experimental nature of this study. In the event the patient has impairment of higher
intellectual function, for example, aphasia, the the patient's legal next of kin or
legal guardian must sign the Informed Consent Document indicating an awareness of the
experimental nature of the study.

- Patient must fully recover from the operative procedure and have life expectancy of
two months or more. The patient's performance status should be consistent with
outpatient therapy, i.e., 60% - 100% Karnofsky. The use of corticosteroids is
permitted to reduce symptoms attributed to cerebral edema. It is recommended that the
smallest dose be used compatible with the preservation of optimal neurological

- Minimal hematological parameters include a hemoglobin of at least 9 g/dL, a white
blood count of at least 1500, and a platelet count of at least 50,000.

- Patients with no evidence of hepatic or renal insufficiency; a total serum bilirubin
and creatinine not higher than 2.5 mg/dL; and a SGOT and SGPT not higher than 5 times
the upper limit of normal.

- Patients must recover from the adverse effect of previous therapy. At least eight
weeks must have lapsed since the last dose of radiation therapy and at least four
weeks must have lapsed since the last dose of chemotherapy (six weeks for
nitrosoureas) or immunotherapy.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Failure to meet all inclusion criteria.

- Patient either pregnant or breast feeding an infant.

- Patient is a high medical or psychiatric risk, having non-malignant systemic disease,
which would, in the opinion of the investigator, make therapy with an investigational
agent unwise.

- Patient is incompetent to give informed consent to treatment. However, the patient may
be admitted if a legally appointed guardian gives consent.

- Presence of an active infection.

- Patients with known chronic heart failure and serious lung disease, such as severe

- Patients with hypertension are excluded unless the hypertension is adequately

- Patients who have had prior Antineoplaston treatment should be excluded from this

- Patients who do not have adequate hepatic function.