
Anlotinib Single Drug as the Maintenance Treatment for Advanced NSCLC

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Based on the need of clinical practice of maintenance therapy for advanced NSCLC and the reliable data of third-line treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, the investigators designed a clinical study of anlotinib in maintenance therapy for advanced NSCLC to prospectively evaluate the efficacy of anlotinib in maintenance therapy for advanced NSCLC. Value, to provide a scientific basis for prolonging the survival time of patients with advanced NSCLC, improving the quality of life of patients in the course of treatment, and optimizing treatment strategies to a greater extent.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
First Hospital of Jilin University
The First Hospital of Jilin University
Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.
Inclusion Criteria:

- a.NSCLC was diagnosed by cytology or histology, and patients with stage IIIB,IIIC or
IV and no sensitive mutation of EGFR/ALK were diagnosed according to UICC Staging
Standard of the 8th edition of 2017; b. Patients with disease recurrence or
progression 1 year after radical operation with platinum-assisted chemotherapy;

- Those who had received platinum-containing two-drug combination chemotherapy for 4-6
cycles were judged as complete remission (CR), partial remission (PR) and
stabilization (SD) according to RECIST 1.1 standard;

- Patients should be enrolled after the end of the last first-line chemotherapy cycle
with platinum containing drugs ≤6 weeks (42 days)

- Age: 18 to 75 years old

- PS<2(ECOG) ;

- The life expectancy is more than 3 months;

- According to RECIST 1.1 criteria, patients have at least one imaging (CT, MRI) lesion
that can be measured or evaluated; the lesion was not previously treated by
radiotherapy. The longest diameter of the target lesion should be greater than or
equal to 10 mm (the short axis of lymph node is greater than or equal to 15 mm);
Patients with brain metastasis at baseline should be single intracranial metastasis,
asymptomatic or asymptomatic after treatment;

- Women: For all women who may be pregnant, pregnancy tests must be performed within 72
hours before starting treatment, or medically approved contraceptive methods must be
used within three months after the treatment and during the period after the end of
treatment; serum or urine pregnancy tests must be negative and must be non-lactating;
Male: Contraceptive measures were taken during and within 3 months after surgical
sterilization or treatment;

- The functional level of organs must meet the following requirements:

Routine blood test ANC≥1.5 x 109/L; PLT≥100 x 109/L; Hb≥90g/L Blood biochemistry TBIL≤1.5 x
ULN ALT and AST≤2 x ULN; for patients with liver metastases, ALT and AST ≤5 x ULN; BUN and
Cr≤1.5 x ULN and creatinine clearance≥50 ml/min;LVEF≥50%; 12 lead electrocardiogram The
Fridericia-corrected QTcF was < 450 ms for males and < 470 MS for females.

- Subjects who have the ability to understand and sign the informed consent must sign
the informed consent before any screening evaluation.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Small cell lung cancer (including mixed small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung
cancer);Central squamous cell carcinoma, or non-small cell lung cancer with hemoptysis
(> 50ml/d) or risk of massive bleeding;

- Imaging (CT or MRI) shows that the distance between tumor lesion and the large blood
vessel is ≤ 5 mm, or there is a central tumor that invades the local large blood
vessel; or there is a significant pulmonary cavity or necrotizing tumor;

- Medical history and combined history

1. Active brain metastases, cancerous meningitis, spinal cord compression, or
imaging CT or MRI screening for brain or pia mater disease;

2. The patient is participating in other clinical studies or completing the previous
clinical study in less than 4 weeks;

3. Patients with hypertension who could not be well controlled by antihypertensive
drug (systolic pressure > 150 mmHg, diastolic pressure > 100 mmHg);

4. Had malignant tumors except NSCLC within 5 years before enrollment(except for
patients with cervical carcinoma in situ , basal cell or squamous cell skin
cancer who have undergone a curative treatment, local prostate cancer after
radical resection, ductal carcinoma in situ or papillary thyroid cancer after
radical resection);

5. Researchers judged that they had not recovered from previous adverse events
before taking the drug for the first time (NCI-CTCAE Version 4.0 Grade > Grade

6. Abnormal blood coagulation (INR > 1.5 or prothrombin time (PT) > ULN + 4 seconds
or APTT > 1.5 ULN), with bleeding tendency or undergoing thrombolytic or
anticoagulant therapy;Note: Under the premise of prothrombin time international
normalized ratio (INR) ≤ 1.5, low-dose heparin (adult daily dose of 0.6 million
to 12,000 U) or low-dose aspirin (daily dosage ≤ 100 mg) is allowed for
preventive purposes;

7. Renal insufficiency: urine routine indicates urinary protein ≥ ++, or confirmed
24-hour urine protein ≥ 1.0g;

8. The effects of surgery or trauma have been eliminated for less than 14 days
before enrollment in subjects who have undergone major surgery or have severe

9. Severe acute or chronic infections requiring systemic treatment;

10. Suffering from severe cardiovascular disease: myocardial ischemia or myocardial
infarction above grade II, poorly controlled arrhythmias (including men with QTc
interval ≥ 450 ms, women ≥ 470 ms); according to NYHA criteria, grades III to IV
Insufficient function, or cardiac color Doppler ultrasound examination indicates
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <50%;

11. There is currently a peripheral neuropathy of ≥CTCAE 2 degrees, except for

12. Respiratory syndrome (≥CTC AE grade 2 dyspnea), serous effusion (including
pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion) requiring surgical treatment;

13. There was a history of bleeding. Within 4 weeks before screening, any bleeding
events with a severe grade of 3 or more in CTCAE 4.0 occurred;

14. Decompensated diabetes or other ailments treated with high doses of

15. Factors that have a significant impact on oral drug absorption, such as inability
to swallow, chronic diarrhea, and intestinal obstruction;

16. Clinically significant hemoptysis (daily hemoptysis greater than 50ml) within 3
months prior to enrollment; or significant clinically significant bleeding
symptoms or defined bleeding tendency, such as gastrointestinal bleeding,
hemorrhagic gastric ulcer, baseline fecal occult blood ++ and above, or suffering
from vasculitis;

17. Events of venous/venous thrombosis occurring within the first 6 months prior to
enrollment, such as cerebrovascular accidents (including transient ischemic
attacks, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction), deep vein thrombosis, and
pulmonary embolism;

18. Participated in clinical trials of other anti-tumor drugs during the first 4
weeks of enrollment or planned systemic anti-tumor therapy, including cytotoxic
therapy, signal transduction inhibitors, immunotherapy (or mitomycin C during the
first 6 weeks of trial drug treatment), or during the first 4 weeks of study
administration.In the first 4 weeks of the study, the patients were treated with
ef-rt or field-limited radiotherapy for tumor lesion evaluation.

19. Those with allergic constitution or known history of allergy to the drug
components of this regimen;

20. Has a history of immunodeficiency, including HIV positive testing, or other
acquired, congenital immunodeficiency disorders, or organ transplantation

21. The baseline pregnancy test was positive for pregnant, lactating or fertile
women, and the patients of childbearing age who were unwilling to take effective
contraceptive measures during the whole period of the test were unwilling to take
effective contraceptive measures;

22. According to the judgement of researchers, there are concomitant diseases that
seriously endanger patients'safety or affect patients' completion of research;

23. There was a clear history of neurological or psychiatric disorders, including
epilepsy or dementia;

24. Cirrhosis, decompensated liver disease, untreated active hepatitis(HBV: HBsAg
positive and DNA≥500IU/Ml;HCV:RNA positive and abnormal liver
function);Co-infection with HBV and HCV;

25. Renal failure requires hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

- According to the researcher's judgment, the patient may have other factors that may
lead to the forced termination of the study, such as other serious diseases or serious
laboratory abnormalities or other factors that may affect the safety of the subjects,
or family or social factors that may affect the collection of test data and samples