
A Study of Nerve Blocks for Migraines

Not yet recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to see how well blocking those nerves with bupivacaine anesthetic (numbing medication) and low dose methylprednisolone (cortisone-like medicine or steroid) work for treating and preventing migraines.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Mayo Clinic
Methylprednisolone Acetate
Methylprednisolone Hemisuccinate
Prednisolone acetate
Prednisolone hemisuccinate
Prednisolone phosphate
Inclusion Criteria:

- Suffering from episodic migraines with and without aura occurring at least four times
a month but less than 15 times a month at a severity of 5/10 pain level or greater.

- Willing to not start or stop any new medication to treat or prevent migraines during
the six months of the trial.

- History fits the definition of migraine:

- Have a history of episodic headache lasting 4-72 hours with at least 2 of the 4
following: unilateral location, pulsating/throbbing quality, moderate-severe
intensity, aggravation by/causing avoidance of routine physical activity, and

- Have a history of at least one of the following: nausea and/or vomiting,
photophobia (seek out a dark room during a headache because that feels better),
phonophobia (seek out a quiet environment during a headache because that feels

Exclusion Criteria:

- Headache in cheeks (infraorbital nerve distribution) in addition to scalp

- Women who report being currently pregnant or lactating or are of child-bearing
potential or are likely to become pregnant during the medication phase and are
unwilling to use a reliable form of contraception. Acceptable forms include:

- Hormonal methods, such as birth control pills, patches, injections, vaginal ring,
or implants

- Barrier methods (such as a condom or diaphragm) used with a spermicide (a foam,
cream, or gel that kills sperm)

- Intrauterine device (IUD)

- Total hysterectomy or tubal ligation

- Abstinence (no sex)

- Allergy or documented contraindication to amide anesthetics (bupivacaine, lidocaine,
ropivacaine, prilocaine, mepivacaine, etidocaine or levobupivacaine) or

- Previously received peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs)

- Currently anticoagulated

- Currently receiving Botox for migraine prophylaxis

- Started on new medication in the prior two months with known migraine-preventive
efficacy or planning to start any new medication during the study

- Currently using opiate medications for pain

- History of drug or alcohol abuse within the prior two years

- Have unstable medical or surgical diseases that could impair participation in this

- History of craniotomies, burr holes, skull fractures and/or have open skull defects

- Patients with implanted nerve stimulators or shunts

- Phobia of needles

- Active skin or soft tissue infection overlying injection sites

- Diagnosis of medication overuse, cervicogenic, post-traumatic, or cluster headaches or
history on pre-enrollment questionnaire of cluster headache symptoms.