
A Clinical Trial of Infliximab for Childhood Uveitis

Active, not recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This project is designed to test the hypothesis that infliximab is clinically useful for patients with refractory childhood uveitis.
Phase 4
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Xiaomin Zhang
Inclusion Criteria:

- Ages 4 to 18 years old,

- Non-infectious uveitis

- Persistent uveitis uncontrolled by topical medications, or unacceptable side effects
of topical medications.

- Failure of at least six weeks of treatment with a non-biological disease modifying
agent such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, or azathioprine.

- Ability to provide informed consent (subject or parent/guardian)

- Onset of uveitis < 16 years of age.

- Topical ophthalmologic treatments allowed.

- Systemic corticosteroid use at entry may be allowed.

- Participant must be able to cooperate for a non-sedated slit lamp exam and visual
acuity examination.

- Negative Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) placed and read within 1 month of
initiation of infliximab

- The screening laboratory test results must meet the following criteria:

WBC (white blood cell count): within normal range for institution ANC (absolute neutrophil
count): within normal range for institution Hemoglobin: greater than 10 grams/deciliter
Platelets: within normal range for institution Serum Creatinine: within normal range for
age AST - aspartate aminotransferase - within normal range for institution ALT - alanine
aminotransferase- within normal range for institution

Exclusion Criteria:

- Previous use of biologic medications for uveitis.

- Intraocular steroid injection or ophthalmologic surgery within the preceding 3 months.

- Uveitis due to trauma or intraocular surgery

- A history of a known allergy to murine products.

- Documentation of seropositivity for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

- Documentation of a positive test for hepatitis B surface antigen or hepatitis C

- A known history of a serious infection (e.g., hepatitis, pneumonia, or pyelonephritis)
in the previous 3 months.

- An opportunistic infection (e.g., herpes zoster [shingles], cytomegalovirus,
Pneumocystis carinii, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, or mycobacteria other than TB)
within 6 months prior to screening.

- A concomitant diagnosis or history of congestive heart failure.

- A history of lymphoproliferative disease.

- Any known malignancy or a history of malignancy.

- Current signs or symptoms of severe, progressive or uncontrolled renal, hepatic,
hematologic, gastrointestinal, endocrine, pulmonary, cardiac, neurologic, or cerebral

- Use of any investigational drug within 30 days prior to screening or within five
half-lives of the first dose of the investigational agent, whichever is longer.

- Presence of a transplanted solid organ.